IV Sedation
We are thankful for the opportunity to provide IV Sedation in our practice with our trusted Dental Anesthesia colleague, Dr. Babak Razmama. This service is a service provided for select patients and circumstances and is not a readily available service. Dr. Karen’s years of Oral Sedation credentialing, Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) certification and credentialed office have all promoted the trust of the Maryland Dental Board to allow for the provision of deeper anesthesia with the administration of our trusted Dental Anesthesiologist.
Dr. Karen frequently utilizes oral sedation in the office with tremendous success. The offering of IV Sedation access to care is reserved for patients who have extensive dental needs and/or are exceeding the limitations of oral sedation.
Dates for IV Sedation are at the discretion of availability of the anesthesiologist and are more infrequently available than other sedation appointments generally offered by Dr. Karen such as NITROUS OXIDE or ORAL CONSCIOUS SEDATION.
The opportunity for IV Sedation is one that we respectfully appreciate of our trusted Dental Anesthesiology colleague! Dr. Karen has years of experience with in-office, hospital and surgical center access. In recent years, Maryland has very heavily limited access to hospital general anesthesia time for their own business administrative concerns. Less and less access to deeper levels of anesthesia are available to our pediatric community.
Dr. Karen and Dr. Babak are a trusted and respected duo! They are avid communicators and are organized in their time management of IV Sedation access. We are so thoroughly happy to be able to offer this much needed service for our families.
It is at the discretion of the Dental Anesthesiologist to determine if a case is to be denied based on medical concerns, physiology of the child and/or lack of receipt of necessary medical forms/documentation to proceed with the provision of IV sedation. Failure to provide necessary paperwork and H&P in a timely manner, may lead to cancellation of the date for said patient. Please understand we work tirelessly to make this opportunity achievable. Help us to make this become a reality.
Benefits in having Dr. Karen offer this service include her highly proficient, conservative, cosmetic and holistic approach to dental care from restorative needs, limited extractions and tethered oral tissues releases. All the same options of cosmetic and holistic care are readily available using IV sedation with continued follow-up care with your trusted Pediatric Dental provider!
We look forward to helping your and your family achieve cosmetic, conservative, holistic exceptional quality dental care that Dr. Karen expects for her patient community!
Call us with any questions/concerns: (301) 272-1246 or email us at: hello@chevychasekids.dentist