Your First Appointment
We Understand Good Vibes!
We encourage our patients to touch, feel, ask questions and share feedback. All this in the interest of introducing the entire dental experience in the friendliest of manners. Our enthusiasm to share in this experience with your child and family cannot be curbed! We introduce our language for all dental instruments in terms kids just get. We “tickle teeth”, “use power washes”, spit into “magic straws”, make “silly faces” and wear silly masks… you get the picture!
Accompanying Your Child During Their Visit
First-time dental visits are exciting for all of us! We fully understand your desire to be present in the moment. At Chevy Chase Pediatric Dentistry, we welcome our parents to take part in their child’s experience and find that kids and families really enjoy this. Dr. Karen loves having parents present during the exam and treatment so she can share her exam findings or changes in a tooth’s status in real-time. It also allows for the child and parent to closely get to know Dr. Karen and her team.

Select situations may benefit from a parent remaining in close proximity, but not entirely at a child’s side nor removed from their line of view. We will guide families if such an approach is considered in the best interest of your child. While casual conversation is allowed, we maintain our focus on your child and ask that the room remain focused on our priority… your child!
As your child becomes familiar with Dr. Karen and her team, they may wish to come alone to the treatment room. We designed the front office for both kids and parents to relax in their own space for situations just like this. Please catch up with work or play using our free WiFi or enjoy the movie on our large-screen TV.
For special treatment situations such as mild oral sedation or general anesthesia, more specifics are noted. Please review these sections prior to your visit.