Advanced Imaging Technology
High Quality Digital Imaging
Dr. Karen invests in the highest quality digital imaging systems. Our Orthopos XG Panoramic & Cephalometric extraoral imaging and our intraoral Shick sensors, size 0, 1 and 2 are best suited to fit our tiny mouths comfortably. Our panoramic machine can lower to accommodate for wheelchair accessibility. Dr. Karen’s investments in top quality diagnostic tools and armamentarium is deliberate! We strive to combine excellence in diagnosis and clinical skills all for your kiddos’ optimal oral and systemic health!

Accurate and Immediate Diagnostics
With current advances in radiology, the minimization of excess radiation is possible through digital radiography. We utilize digital sensors and panoramic imaging for immediate diagnostic capabilities and reduced radiation levels. Our radiographic equipment is tested and certified, and our dental assistants attain radiographic certification.
There is validity in the concern for exposure and at CCPD we fully understand these concerns. We are conservative in our prescription of radiographic imaging, however, we are firm in their importance. Caries and trauma are not always clinically evident and we understand that accuracy in diagnosis is the best approach to quality dental treatment and approaches specific to your child. To learn more, please take a look at radiation comparisons, as provided by Dental Planet, DP Health.

Why Does My Child Need X-Rays?
The primary goal of dentistry is prevention, and X-Rays aid in reaching this goal. All dental exams are composed of two parts: a clinical and a radiographic exam, regardless of age. When it comes to recommending X-Rays, we carefully consider the circumstances and timing for each individual.
Your child's medical and family dental history is always considered. Some medications may heighten cavity risks, or even grinding. A family history of snoring, sleep apnea, cavities, or variations in teeth is also important in determining our approach to treatment, critical in my clinical exam of your child, and as a predictor of needed X-Rays.
The recommendation of X-Rays do follow a general guideline for the purpose of early diagnosis. This may be the diagnosis of cavities, possible injury sustained to the teeth or any variation of normal. X-rays can show issues that can't be seen during a clinical exam. For this reason, I start discussing cavity checking X-rays (bitewings and occlusal films) at approximately 3-4 years of age. I consider them a baseline to see what risks a child has or if there are already cavities that could be treated with the most conservative and cosmetic treatment of a white filling.
Because of my strong age consideration during an exam or treatment planning, I often ask my patient how old they are when I start an exam. I am assessing their development in considering what further investigative information I might need to pursue. I use this assessment to determine symmetry in their dental age as compared to their chronological age. Do they coincide or are they advanced or delayed? Asymmetry is strong predictor of any variation. I am often seen palpating to determine if teeth are felt coming in.

Digital Intra-Oral Camera
We use a digital intra-oral camera during your child's treatment or dental examination to diagnose any issues. The intra-oral cameras allow parents to see what Dr. Karen and Dr. Bianca see.
Occlusal X-Ray
The occlusal films help to show if any cavities exist between the front teeth or any permanent teeth are missing or if your child has extra teeth. Keep in mind that if I can clinically see an in-between cavity, advanced treatment needs are more likely, including a stainless steel crown. I prefer to discuss more cosmetic, conservative treatment options and so do parents!
Bitewing X-Ray
Ages 3-4
BITEWING X-RAYS (baseline set for cavity detection). Most bitewing X-rays are taken on an annual basis.
Panoramic X-Ray
Starting from the age of 7, the panoramic x-ray is repeated every 3-5 years and is also used by orthodontists during braces to manage the alignment of tooth roots. We discuss this x-ray again in later teen years to discuss wisdom teeth.